Der Boandlkramer und die ewige Liebe

Genere: Feature film / Trailer
Anno: 2019
Durata: 01:04 min
Descrizione: For thousands of years, the Boandlkramer, better known as Death Incarnate, has been guiding people to the afterlife. But now something most unexpected has happened: He has fallen in love! The cause of this feeling is Gefi, the mother of little Max. But how is he supposed to win her heart? In his distress, the Boandlkramer makes a pact with the devil. The devil offers him his help - but in return the Boandlkramer has to give up his job. However, this causes problems, because as no more people die, there is soon a lack of space and chaos on earth. Only now does the Boandlkramer realize what he has done. A miracle is the only thing that could help in this tricky situation.
Fonte esterna: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Diritti: In Copyright / LEONINE Distribution GmbH (München)
Director: Joseph Vilsmaier
Tipo documento:
Language: de